Follow the journey of a woman quitting zoloft cold turkey.


I am a writer and quitting zoloft my own way while sharing the journey with you, dear readers. In no way am I suggesting that anyone reading this blog decide to quit zoloft without a doctor's advice & supervision. Please see your doctor first. Ask them for advice. I am not a doctor, nor am I in any position to offer you anonymous readers advice. But I can share my story and that's what I choose to do. So please read on & share your thoughts in the comments section.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Days 7-10 of Quitting Zoloft

I finally caved in and realized that quitting zoloft is not like quitting smoking. I am back on 100mg/day. I admit it - quitting cold turkey was an emotional roller coaster for me. The first few days were fabulous! But I also really put the effort in to treating myself right. I power walked, ate right, focused on the positive in my life and took Omega's and multivitamins.

But then life got in the way. My work is insanely busy and I stopped the new routine and got side tracked by my professional life. That's when the emotions started to really come spilling over.

I feel a bit defeated but hey, there are reasons people say you shouldn't quit anti-depressants cold turkey. I will get off zoloft some day soon, but cutting my dose back to 100mg after being on 200mg is still a great first step. I'm making an appointment to see my doctor next week.

What I'd like to do is see if I can get an appointment to see a hormone specialist, since I was initially prescribed zoloft for PMDD. Shouldn't there be someone out there that understands why my body/brain is like this and what I can do to deal with it?

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